University of Idaho guidelines are for the convenience of applicants and are issued as a matter of information only.
The Board of Regents of the University of Idaho/State Board of Education (Board) policy and rules, and University of Idaho policy (where
more restrictive) govern alcohol consumption and are subject to change as required by either entity. The Guidelines may be superseded
at any time by Board and UI policy and rules.
- The minimum drinking age in the State of Idaho is 21 years of age.
- Board rules prohibit the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by individuals who are under the age of 21, and restrict
the consumption of alcohol by individuals over the age of 21. No one may possess or consume alcohol in areas open to and most commonly
used by the general public.
- Board and UI policy and rules apply to both UI and non-UI groups using institutional facilities.
- UI groups using other facilities, for sponsored UI activities, must comply with these guidelines and must consult the Department
of Risk Management at (208) 885-6177 or (208) 885-7177 at least 30 days prior to the scheduled
- Board policy permits the University of Idaho President to waive the prohibition against alcohol and provide for alcohol service for
specific events. Such waivers must be granted through the President and permit and must be in accordance with Board and University rules,
policies and guidelines.
- The President has delegated the authority to collect applications for Alcohol Permits to the Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary
Services. The President retains the authority to approve or deny an alcohol permit.
- An Alcohol Permit only will be granted for a specifically designated event (Permitted Event).
A Permitted Event will:
- Provide food and readily available non-alcoholic beverages when serving alcoholic beverages.
Require the use of an alcohol service provider who maintains appropriate
permits and a valid liquor license, and who can provide the required insurance
documents. On the Moscow campus, the University requires the use of
Idaho Eats, UI Concessions, or UI Golf Course.
- Occur pursuant to an Alcohol Permit Agreement signed by the sponsoring entity, the caterer / alcohol service provider.
- Occur in a controlled area for a single contiguous time period.
- Be consistent with the proper image and mission of the institution.
- Be for a purpose other than consuming alcohol and food.
- Require paid admission, a fee, or a written personal invitation. Strictly enforced stop times to allow for orderly and moderate
consumption prior to the end of the event.
- Post in a conspicuous space the Alcohol Permit, any required local catering permits, and liquor licenses.
- A completed application must be received by the Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Services at least
thirty (30) business days before the event, and must be made on the appropriate application form (Alcohol Application,
found on this website). The application must be accompanied by all attachments and insurance certificate approval information, if required.
- Application must be made by the sponsor(s) of the event, who must comply with all applicable state and local laws regarding alcohol
- Alcohol may not be sold or consumed at an event unless or until the event receives an Alcohol Permit from the University of Idaho.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm receipt of the Alcohol Permit.
- Underage drinking and/or the serving of alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons are prohibited.
- If the event area is fully enclosed, and access to the event is controlled by written invitation or exclusive registration and
consumption is restricted to persons 21 or older through the use of wrist bands (when required), alcohol may be consumed throughout
the area.
- If the event is open to the general public of all ages through purchase of a ticket:
- A confined and defined area for alcohol consumption must be cordoned off and clearly marked.
- Sufficient space outside the cordoned area must accommodate attendees who do not wish to be present where alcoholic beverages are
being consumed.
- Entrance into and exit from the cordoned off area shall be controlled.
- No alcoholic beverages may be brought into or out of the cordoned off area.
It is the responsibility of the SPONSOR to arrange for wrist banding and
controlled access to the area or arrange payment and contract this service
through Idaho Eats.
- Some events may require increased security / alcohol enforcement; Sponsor will assume costs for
additional security services and/or alcohol enforcement, if needed.